The Arbordale Plant Promise
When planted by our Landscape Team:
We Promise to guarantee, trees, shrubs, and evergreens for one year. Perennials, vines, roses and grasses are guarantee until October 15 of the year planted.
When planted yourself:
We Promise to guarantee, trees, shrubs, and evergreens for one year. Perennials, vines, roses and grasses are guarantee until October 15 of the year planted. The promise is based on reasonable care (watering, kept free of insects & disease) and proper planting procedures. Please provide proof of purchase.
Proper planting means prompt planting following our planting directions, adding organic material, plant food, mulch etc.
99.9% of all plant loss is water related
Perennials, hydrangea, Dappled Willow are the first plants to show lack of water.
hydrangeas and rose of sharon are the very last plants to leaf out in spring, give them time before calling